Wayne's  microbe rich 100% organic plant food selections.

A microbe rich 100% organic plant food processed from a high quality worm casting (doo doo) with a potency and quality that will be evident in your plants growth and health as the ecosystem of the balanced base of micro organisms suited for most plants begin to populate your soil and do their work supplying to the plants their nutrients thru the wild nature of the mentioned ecosystem..

Processed to unleash the full potential of a casting at one moment rather than over a duration of time the impact on plants are evident as per the reviews from customers that can be found on my website at the reviews page and at the feedback channels of my e-bay account. see feedback 1, feedback 2 and the reviews page at http://correspondence-etc.com.

Some benefits are as follows:

1. No fear of burning plants.
2. No need to leech soil of elements that may accrue in the soil when using chemical and other fertilizers/plant foods offering to the roots of the plant a healthy environment.
3. No need to use other fertilizers unless trying emphasize upon a particular growth such as blooms that a concentrated chemical fertilizer might aid.
4. Use only 1 serving per gallon of water once a month.
5. No need to change and/or refurbish a plants potting soil..
6. Acts as an inhibitor to pathogenic organisms reducing the risk of plant diseases.
7. Covers a larger area than just tilling an organic material into the soil when used as a microbe brew or if you prefer worm tea.
8. Has a confirmed shelf life of at least 5-7 years even if the plant food dries.
9. Very little if any odor.
10.Handles easily and I would say that the microbes like little nanomyte workers even plow the soil allowing for more air circulation and otherwise around the roots and in the soil.

For more information and to purchase this limited supply plant food simply close this window and click on the ad on the underlying page.

                     Treat Your Plants Right They Get Hungry Too !

Thank you. Wayne.
